
We are 15 minutes by car from the town of Tepoztlan.
We are located at km 4.5, on the road to Santo Domingo Ocotitlan.

If you are coming from Tepoztlan:
First, take the Avenida Revolucion out of Tepoztlan, as if you were going towards Yautepec/Amatlan.

On your way out of town, you will pass the town soccer fields and the cemetery on your left, and a little farther on, you will pass the YMCA camp “Camohmila” on your right.

2 minutes after passing Camohmila, you will arrive at the Huilotepec crossroads. Take a left, following the signs towards Santo Domingo/Amatlan.

Follow this road until you come to the next crossroad (Amatlan crossroad). Keep going straight (do not turn to your right, that road will take you to Amatlan).

Keep going straight up the hill towards Santo Domingo Ocotitlan for several minutes. Look out on your right for a large white wall with a picture of a Buddha painted on it, and the words Jardin de la Abundancia.

Continue 2 minutes further ahead and you will see on your left a large sign that says “Tashirat Casa Hogar”.